Tuesday, February 8, 2011


My parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last month. As the almost-always-good non-confrontational child, I never thought their marriage would last beyond my sister's rebellious boundary testing years. But it miraculously did and we marked the occasion with a festive photo-taking Facebook uploading family gathering.
I may not have been hugely successful in marriage, but I commend those who stick it out, enjoy it, and even figure out how to make it stronger. I also commend people, like Christopher Jagmin (above, pictured kind of), who figure out how to keep the bridal market fresh.
Check out Christopher's very cool customizable plates that will not only be the delight of your dinner party, but can be the solution to one's wedding party favors. Use at the rehearsal dinner, have caterer wash and put in gift bags, and then give them out as souvenirs or gifts. Though much of his line is spanking new, Christopher collects one-of-a-kind plates from the flea market and gives these "unloved" plates a second life.
Christopher's graphic work goes beyond bridal. It can commemorate a birth or bar mitzvah, or even...get this... your everyday life and desire for well-designed goods!

I met Christopher for the first time this January at the Atlanta Gift Show. He is clever, talented and quite tall. His blog is also amusing.

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